Tuesday 8 January 2013


Dear Friends,
I hope everyone is well. Anyone got exams, I do. Definately adds to the January blues. I always find it hard to focus on revision even for important exams. I always stress out big time too. I find it really hard to sleep and always end up listening to an audiobook of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It'll be awesome if we do Pride and Prejudice at A'level. But what do you guys do to destress? Read? Listen to music? Watch T.V.? Well my favourite thing to do during the exams to keep my head from flying off is to fangirl over things! Theres so much to obsess over. So why dont I help you destress with some fangirling? You might find something new and amazing.

So books. I think Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is an amazing series and reading about sex-God Patch comepletely distracts you from real life. Don't worry it's not even close to being as bad as Fifty Shades. With Fallen angels, their evil offspring- sorry Scott- mostly evil offspring and love mixed up in the middle of a war? How can you resist. Becca Fitzpatrick is amazing, the way she writes is simply magnetic. Even if you didnt like the books (which is impossible) you will want to know what happend next. At first somethings are really surprising then you realise they had to happen because thats exactly what you want to happen. Also the guy who models as Patch is really fit. Phwoar.

Okay well thats books covered. Mmmm Patch, yummy. Anyway so what about music? Well I'm really loving the album Some Nights by Fun. It helps me destress a lot, I'd give it a listen of i were you.

Well I'd better go revise. More fangirling next time! 
Love, Rose.  

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