Saturday, 29 December 2012

Artistic Skills

Dear Friends,
Congratulations on surviving this long, my friends. Anyone realise how awesome this year has been? For me it's been awesome and terrible all at the same time. Its changed me, you know? Anyway so this blog is suppose to be a bit like a diary? And it really is as hardly anyone reads it but I still keep writing. So how about I spill my biggest secrets? Maybe not today as I am going to let people who know me see this so maybe that'd be a bad idea. Emoticons has ruined me, all I want to do is write smiley faces.
My friend to drew a picture for me. He is really good at art and drew this....
Pretty good, huh? I'm in converse and he's in Vans. Also he drew my legs far too skinny but I like it. It's the first thing anyone has ever drawn me in and I adore it. I could never draw like that.
 I think its really good (clearly) but the problem was he wanted to keep it real bad so I let him. Even though I really want it.
So I wanted him to draw me a picture.One I could keep and be all like ",y friend drew that! MY FRIEND!" I'd be all filled with pride. So you hope its all real nice and complementary?  Yeah its a really good drawing though I was hoping it wasn't drawn with me in mind. But its weird I still love it? I gave him a "Wreck this journal" for Christmas so I guess this was one of the pages. Original and different. I like it. But that's mainly because he drew it. So here it is.  

Its good, yes? Now you see what I mean. I hope he doesn't want me dead because I'd probably let him kill me. Anywhoo its fun to see how his brain works. Its like most of us run north but he runs east. If you know what I mean? I'm not even sure I do.

My next post is going to be all about me fangirling over something. Possibly Doctor Who or Skulduggery or anything.

Love from Rose,
Song: Little Talks- Of Monters and Men
Quote:"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh

P.P.S. Dear Jamie, If you wonder where that Christmas present I debated giving you went, it may never see the light of day.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Rain! 3/12/12

Dear Friends,
Todays blog is about rain. I love rain. Even when I say I don't I do. Wanna know why? In the words of Sarah Kay-"The rain will wash away anything if you let it." 
Ain't she cute?

I found myself in the rain today calling myself an idiot. Because I truly am. A lot of us are but its not our fault. We just can't help it. Anywhoo why was I calling myself an idiot?
You know when you daydream about coming in contact with your crush in various situations? Like passing each other in the street or reaching for the same can of baked beans and you touch hands? Well it was like that. I was daydreaming about this guy I like when he walks by me. Of course my heart practically stopped. Want to know the worst part? I really shouldn't like this guy.  He has few good qualities. He has been out with like a billion girls, he's not even really fit. He doesnt make me laugh and he is so boring its unreal. I just cant figure out why I like him anyway. I will have to ponder on that.

Anyway the rain part. After walking past him I  was calling myself an idiot and the rain was falling on my face.  It calmed me. It made me see reason. There are things in life that can't be explained. Like why I like this guy and why rain makes me feel the way I do. I used to think it rained every time someone beloved died. Could it be true? It's raining somewhere all the time. All the time people loose the ones they love. Or maybe it rains to give the people of earth a well needed drink, to quench their thirst for something more. Or just to save us again and again.
I'm not sure why rain effects me so much. I guess it's just because its a miracle. So next time it rain I urge you not to moan about it but embrace it. Let yourself go and dance in the rain. Let your worries be washed away, even if it is only for a little while.

Love, Rose
P.S. Song: Fearless- Taylor Swift
Quote- "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." Ashley Smith

Sunday, 2 December 2012

The first one (2/12/12)

Dear Friends,
My name is Rose and welcome to my wonderfully unexceptional blog. I have no idea what to write in my first blog. Maybe a little description of myself? Okay so I'm a girl whose name is not actually Rose but that's what I feel it should be you know? I don't know. I guess Rose is my alter-ego name. Rose is who I want to be because she is the best of me. I just think you should know that throughout everything I say I want to be the best I can be. Okay so Rose fact file is as follows:
Sexuality: Straight
From: Northern Ireland

All that stuff doesn't say much about me so here's a list of my favourite things:
Book(s): Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy
Song: All About Us-Owl City ft. He Is We
Band: Nevershoutnever
Singer(girl): Taylor Swift
Singer(guy): Adam Young
Movie: Um I cannot choose but right now its The Hunger Games
Actor: Ian Somerhalder
Actress: Zooey Deschanel
Musical: The Phantom of the Opera 
Ceiling: In this restaurant where the ceiling is painted dark blue with fairy lights like stars stuck in
Smell: Christmas dinner
T.V. show: The Paradise
Shoes: Converse knee-highs which are glow in the dark (someday they will exist)
Person: Jamie
Place: Forbidden Planet in town or Hogwarts
Food: Cheetos
Animal: Horse
I think that's all the important things.....
Oh and for whoever reads this at the end of every post I'm going to put a quote and a song. I hope to keep that promise.
So I would say lets get to the interesting part but I'm not sure if it would interest anyone but there you go.
so what will I talk about today?
I'm not sure. Hmmm okay its my first post so maybe something happy? Yes inspirational, making you want to come back for more.

Okay this one is for all you who are going through school like me.
School is important guys, really important. And your whole future will rest upon it. You gotta work real hard. And sometimes life just seems like too much of hard work. But school can be fun. You need to hang out with people who make you laugh and who love you. So if you feel snowed under by work just go out there and have fun. Remember your future is yours alone. If you don't work for it now it'll be too late then. So you know just have fun guys, stop worrying and start living. I'm even confusing myself right now. Anyway work hard now and don't forget to have fun, and your future will be wonderful. Just don't give up on it yet ya hear? 
That's all for today folks Thank you and goodnight, 
Love from Rose
P.S. Song: On the brightside-Nevershoutnever
Quote: I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." -Nelson Mandela